Murdoch Lancer,....head of the Lancer clan. An rough and tough man who had built his cattle empire from the bottom up. Not only for himself, but for the sons that were taken from him as babies, with hopes to some day bring them home. Under all that roughness is a heart of gold, but as he told his boys.......he calls the tune. |
Scott Lancer.....Johnny's big brother, who he affectingly calls *Boston* and for good reason. Scott was raised in Boston by his Grandfather who took him away after his mother died giving him life.
Teresa O'Brien: Murdoch' young ward. She was born on Lancer, the daughter of his Segundo, Paul. Who was killed during the Pardee's raid on Lancer, leaving her in Murdoch's care. She told the boys when they had come home to think of her as a sister. A sister of the heart, who they will protect with all their very lives. |